Layout planning and construction A: Before planning - What should you consider, what
do you need to know at least? A 1 The germ - What aroused interest in the railway? |
How do you come into contact with the subject
of model railways? Someone in your circle of friends,
acquaintances or family has a plant, or grandpa takes his grandson to an exhibition at
Christmas time, or a pretty
train is doing the rounds in a shop window. There are finished installations to be seen,
they please, arouse curiosity, awaken the desire to occupy oneself with them,
to play with them. But no one mentions how much work is involved,
how many, many hours, how much, much money, how often one was close to
despair, one wanted to throw everything in the bin... Or.... A close relative has died and left a finished
/ half-finished / started layout and / or collection. And not to forget: Probably the most common way to get a model
railway is the father giving it to his offspring (because he wants to play
with it himself). I was too young to remember whether it was my
wish. In any case, that's how I came to model railways. Now you are somewhat infected with the model
railway virus. It's time to question whether you have the
necessary skills, whether you are willing to make sacrifices: Next page: The requirements, your scills, your lifetime, your
rooms |
state: 30.10.2023 18:07 |
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