MÄRKLIN H0 conventional driving and electromechanical automatisation

The Prototype   Märklin-H0-Knowledge   Layout-Building   Modelstock


C: Circuits for advanced users – Automation of Processes

C1: My view concerning the term “ANALOG”

Translated from German by Axel Wurl, later extended by Herbert Otto


The reason for establishing my exclusively German-speaking Facebook group was the constant attempts by digital railroaders in other groups to proselytize us conventional (analog) operators: “digitally, everything is possible …”

The thought, the idea, the feeling that whatever would be possible digitally should actually also be feasible by conventional means then gave me another reason to bring that community into being.

It soon showed, though, that a multitude of members would rather need help with the basics than aim at automated operation. This prompted the development of the series of articles in the section “The very first basic knowledge about conventional controlled Märklin H0 model railways”.

The idea to carry automation by electromechanical means to extremes, step by step, and to illustrate the possibilities as clearly and elaborately as possible has been my aim ever since and is being covered in the section “Circuits for advanced users – automation of operations”.

There have been differences of opinion about what kinds of operation aids may be discussed in my group. I am describing and justifying the limits of tolerance within my group and this – my – site in the treatise.


Märklin HO ... :

Every product that can be used within the Märklin H0 system is of interest to us, thus,

  • all track systems with central rail conductors, rods or studs, and generally or predominantly equal potential on both rails, even if not produced by Märklin (e. g. home-made tracks),
  • all traction vehicles with a central pick-up shoe of all manufacturers, including (home-made) conversions, made for, or adjustable to, or automatically adjusting to control by alternating current (AC) of varying voltage (so digital vehicles included),
  • all H0-scale railroad wagons of all manufacturers (including conversions and home-made models)
  • all kinds of 1:87-scale model accessories


... analog control and operation (from my group’s name)

And here the problems begin...

When what is commonly understood by digital control of model trains first appeared on the market, “analog” was chosen as a simple synonym for “not digital”, usually ignoring the fact, though, that between black and white, digital and analog, there are countless shades of gray.

Digital, in the sense, refers to model railroad products that communicate by means of encoded control signals sent simultaneously to a multitude of ready-to-receive devices as an encoded pulse sequence through a two-core wire, and the device addressed by this encoded control signal decodes it and then performs the respective command.

Analog, accordingly, refers to control signals, or better: control voltages, sent directly from the control unit, through a multitude of wires, to each individual device, without encoding and the necessary hard- and software.

The differences of opinion I mentioned before are fueled by the conventional (analog?) appliances, and especially by the combination of such on a larger scale, and the use of electronic aids. I will come back to this later on.

The supposedly knowledgeable model train enthusiast may find this trivial, but in case of disputes, I will refer to the definitions in this treatise. In order for a clear picture to evolve, it is necessary for me to split hairs.


The definition of “analog”:

Some synonyms for analog are:

  • continuous, constant, stepless.

The definition of “analog signal”:


An example of truly analog devices supposedly everybody knows:

The kitchen or bathroom scale. Both mechanical and electronic versions are available.

The mechanical scales (left) are analog.

A spring is tensioned by the weight force applied, and a hand displays the deflection on a scale with a pointer - continuously, steadily, stepless!

Some electronic scales (right) are controlled digitally.

They measure the weight by means of electronic sensors at regular intervals and show the values at these intervals, rounded, on a digital display. Scales which such behavior do NOT work continuously, NOR steadily, NOR stepless.

Semaphores, with their arms moved by means of wire ropes, are also arguably analog. The signal arms move as the signalman determines by hand.

(picture source: themt.de)


What do you see before your mind’s eye when you think of an conventional, “analog” model train?

1st: A transformer, and often a number of them.

(Transformer here signifies a control device with a turning knob or handle that allows adjustment of the output voltage.)




Heretic question:

Is a Märklin transformer really “analog”?

Continuous, steady, stepless?

My answer is NO!

Slowly turning the knob or handle to the right, at first, nothing happens.

With a measuring device (voltage meter), we will see that the output voltage is still zero volts.

The pickup finger inside the transformer, mounted to the turning knob, is not touching the live secondary coil yet, thus the output voltage is not continuous.

Only after turning the knob by a few degrees, the lights in the traction vehicle begins to shine. The measuring device will show a low voltage, between some four and eight volts, depending on the transformer; this is not stepless, but a sudden increase, or jump, from 0 to 4 – 8 volts.

Continuing to slowly turn the knob, the lights will shine a little brighter, but the traction vehicle will not move yet.

In some circumstances, while turning the knob, you may feel something like a slight vibration (at least with older transformers), as if there were a very fine bar grid. This is caused by the mechanical construction of the voltage pickup finger inside the transformer. The secondary coil, which supplies the voltages usable for the model train, consists of very tightly wound copper wire, covered with insulating enamel. The slight vibration you may feel are caused by the pickup finger briefly getting caught in the tiny gaps between the windings. Neighboring windings have a slightly different voltage. Moving the pickup finger over the secondary coil, the large number of windings results in a quasi-analog change in voltage, not steady, but in tiny steps.

So, if you are very finicky, the output voltage of a Märklin transformer is not continuous, not stepless, and not steady, and thus, by definition, not analog.

The same can be seen with the prototype: speed and power output, at least in older electric locomotives, are controlled in steps, since a purely analog control was (is?) not technically feasible.


Continuing to slowly turn the knob, you will hear a hum from the motor even before it develops the power necessary to overcome the resistance of the transmission. What you hear is the 50 Hertz of the alternating current you are using.

Further turning the knob slowly will set the vehicle in motion, but at a greater speed than expected or hoped for, not stepless.

You can now turn the knob back a little, and the vehicle will continue moving.
The reason: the resistance caused by static friction in the transmission when the vehicle is not moving exceeds the dynamic friction of the moving vehicle.


Back to our initial question:
What do you see before your mind's eye when you think of the conventional model train layout?
What else, apart the transformer, is needed?

2nd: You will need railroad tracks, which, unless they form a simple oval, are often electrically separated into various sections. These sections are or can be assigned to separate transformers.

3rd: You may have a variety of control panels and switchboards for manually operating turnouts, signals, uncoupling track units, illumination, etc. Every command signal is sent to the individual device separately through individual wires.

Trains are driven by manually regulating the speed, turnouts and signals are set as desired, dependencies, often observed halfheartedly at best, are stored in the head of the user.

“Regulating” refers to modifying the correcting variable depending on the feedback from the result of the command.

With a manually regulated model train, this means adjusting the factual speed of the train by hand, based on the individual impression.

“Controlling” only means activating or deactivating a function without feedback.

The transformer is a control unit, while the combination of human plus transformer, hand-eye coordination, is regulation.

Automatic regulation by analog means is possible, (example: the flyball governor of a steam engine,) but hardly feasible in a vehicle of such a small scale.



Driving along a track oval, you may notice that at a certain distance from the feed-in, the train slows down somewhat, to become faster again as it gets closer to the feed-in again.

Reason: the transition resistance between track pieces accumulates, lowering the voltage with each connector. With an analog measuring device, this is difficult to measure, unless you have one that is very good and thus very expensive. Here, we have one of the advantages of digital measuring technology.

If we lay tracks across a hill, the vehicle will slow down driving uphill, accelerating when going downhill.

Finding: the speed of an conventionally controlled vehicle is influenced by the driveway.

In conclusion, you may say:

The manual operation of a model train “feels analog”.


Automation of functions by conventional means (my objective)

Even on a small layout, running two trains simultaneously without accidents requires a certain amount of concentration. That is why Märklin has thought up and published ideas for automation early on and has equipped signals with the necessary switching contacts.

The basic idea behind founding the group was to raise awareness for these possibilities, make practical use of them, refine them, and carry them to extremes.

Note: in 1941, Konrad Zuse built the world’s first working computer, the Z3. It worked with relays, basically elements like the Märklin universal remote controller. The Z3 is considered the starting point of digital technology!


I have heard it said that since relays know only “on” and “off”, 0 and 1, they were digital. Would that mean the Märklin universal remote control is a digital component? What, then, with turnouts and signals, which work the same way?

That would also mean:

Only when a button is pushed manually, and the circuit, thus closed, activates the solenoid coil, changing the signal aspect, this would be “analog”, conventional.

If a vehicle drives over a contact track, thus closing the circuit with the same result, this would be process control, thus digital, even more so if other relays, forming dependencies like turnout directions and track occupancy were part of the circuit.

So, if we want to achieve automation with relays, we have to wave the term analog goodbye, but must NOT use the term digital either.

Märklin calls it conventional. I am calling it also electromechanical and in my sense, the sense of the group and this homepage.


The 1955 Märklin signal booklet describes several versions of block signaling controls, with contact tracks and double coil signals, and automatic train running control. Back in the day, the average model train enthusiast knew nothing else and would thus not have used the term analog, let alone digital.

I consider a block signaling control, only consisting of trainoperated contacts and electrically switched signals to be electromechanical and in my sense and thus in the sense of the group, and this homepage.

The electromechanical control of a station on a single-track line, on which trains automatically meet without colliding, I consider to be in my sense and thus in the sense of my group and this homepage.

The electromechanical control of a hidden fiddle yard with quite a few tracks, in which the arriving train automatically starts the neighboring next unit, I consider to be in my sense and therefore in the sense of my group and this homepage.

Also, the manual operation of turnouts and signals can be simplified by smartly designed circuits and the use of relays, the number of buttons to be operated can be drastically reduced. As an example I would like to mention the relay switch towers of the Deutsche Bahn. Hardly anyone would think of calling these digital. So I also consider circuits in this scope as in my sense and therefore in the sense of my group and this homepage.

If a model railroader has his layout controlled by cabinets full of relays, with telephone dials and the like, we would like to see that in my group and I consider that in my sense and therefore in the sense of my group and this homepage.

Semiconductors are common in conventional model railroad layouts. Without diodes and transistors, many things would be impossible or difficult to do. We need them, so they are permissible.

Electronic components of well-known manufacturers which are built up using semiconductor elements and relays, e.g. for smooth starting and braking by appropriate control of the traction voltage or (superfluously) for the fiddle yard control or the block control or the electronic universal remote switch 7244 or ... or ... I consider to be in my sense and thus in the sense of my group and this homepage.

Activating a turnout with a servo drive, if the drive with its control is considered as a functional unit and is set straight and branching via two switching contacts, I consider as in my sense and thus in the sense of my group and this homepage. Analogously, this applies to signals moved with servo drives, shed gates, turntables, animated figures, etc.

The inner (digital) structure of a functional unit is basically of no interest to us if the unit acts from and to the outside like an electromechanical device, one could also build it electromechanically, albeit with immensely greater effort.


Control centers

The larger the layout becomes, the more drives have to be moved, the more complicated the interrelationships become, the greater the number of controlling components and their wiring.

Here, it makes perfect sense to think outside the box:

Industrial machine tools have always required regularly recurring control operations to be carried out. In 1969, the programmable logic controller (PLC) was invented for this purpose, a switching mechanism programmable via groups of switches or later digitally, which can switch functions of the connected machine on and off depending on the activation of contacts in the machine. One of the inventors "... resisted the name computer. He saw this as endangering acceptance among the control specialists who had been working up to that time." I regard PLC in this form as, in the effect, nothing else but a highly complex relay switchgear, and thus to be in my sense and thus in the sense of my group and this homepage.


I would now like to return to the differences between the so-called “digital” and the so-called “analog” model railroad.

The operating principle of the digital model railroad:
(Since we haven't talked about automatic control of train speeds so far, we'll refrain from doing that here, too – at least for now).

Theoretically, there are only two lines leading to the track and, thus, to all signals and turnouts on the digital Märklin model railroad. (In real life, there are several more...).

A command, similar to a Morse code, is sent to this pair of wires. All decoders read it. The message starts with the name of the unit which the message is addressed to. Turnouts and signals with other names ignore the message; the one turnout that is addressed executes the command that then follows.

So this is completely different from an conventional installation, where each turnout and each signal is connected to the control device by a whole bundle of wires, and each function has its own command wire, also when using a PLC!


I am in the planning stages of my next layout. So far, I see no reason to entrust an electronic brain with tasks instead of the hardwired relays. However, if you include speed control of the trains, the circuit complexity becomes immense. That's what we're looking at now:


With digital train control, it is the same as with the turnouts: first the address, then the command. With locomotives, there can be up to 32 (or more) functions in addition to speed control. This is of course impossible by electromechanical means – at least in the locomotive.

Märklin introduced a pulse width control with ~ 200 Hz to the market as early as 1978 in the form of the 6699 “power pack with electronic control for slow speed driving”. This made - hand-guided - extremely slow driving and gentle starting and braking possible - by electronic means. The very short switching pulse also made it possible to minimize the leap when switching the direction of locomotives of the 800 series.

In 1983, the 6600 version, which was expanded to include a shuttle train control system, was released. Here also an automatic load control, which should keep the speed constant uphill and downhill, was integrated. Although one is inclined to think of digitally control with these two devices, they belong to the conventional control and are thus in my sense and thus in the sense of my group and this homepage.


The described speed controls always require the regulating hand. What would an automatic speed control with electromechanical control have to look like?

A train needs the following different voltages during its way across the layout:

  • Minimum voltage for the first movement on the horizontal track,
  • a certain maximum voltage for a realistic maximum speed in level country, the voltages or increased voltages necessary to maintain the speed on all the gradients on the layout,
  • the necessary voltages or voltage reductions for all slopes on the layout.

There are a number of ways to provide these different voltages. Ultimately, they have to be made available at the right time at the right track section. This can be achieved with relays or - for a larger number of trains – better with a PLC, or with a PC with switching interface. These only replace the manual operation, which would be impossible to manage. – However, in the meantime I have found a concept for an easily understandable relay control; it should work without a computer after all...


For the acceleration and deceleration processes, there are ready-made components based on semiconductors or instructions for home-made circuits, switched on via the control system.

This, too, I consider to be in my sense and thus in the sense of my group and this homepage.


Sounds can be played from loudspeakers connected to a sound unit at the specific locations of the layout, and triggered by the locomotive or the controller. Moving sounds can be controlled as stereo or quadraphonic events (see Miniatur Wunderland at Hamburg, Airport Knuffingen). The controller "knows" which controls have to be moved and when. And that would also be in my sense and therefore in the sense of my group and this homepage.


All this is one of the basic ideas for the founding of my group and thus also of this homepage.

Everything (?) that can be done digitally can somehow also be achieved by "analog", no, conventional means...


The Prototype   Märklin-H0-Knowledge   Layout-Building   Modelstock

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