MÄRKLIN H0 conventional driving and electromechanical automatisation

The Prototype   Märklin-H0-Knowledge   Layout-Building   Modelstock


A: The very first basic knowlege about conventionally controlled Märklin H0 model railways

A71: Manufacturer of model railways, current and historical


It occurred to me that we could make a list of Moba manufacturers, all those who build or built usable models for our layouts.

As a reference for the search.


I am looking at this from a German perspective!


I found such a list in another group, but at first glance I noticed some gaps.

Checking the links I found a second list with other manufacturers and then this one at




And this one is not complete either.


Below I list a few more, with other tracks included:



Innovative model railway control for analogue, digital and mixed operation



Full-range supplier for model railways and accessories especially for N scale


ASTER Europe

Real steam model and accessories



Garden railways


BESIG Präzisionsmodellbau

Railway and accessories for gauge 1/1e


Bochmann & Kochendörfer

Wagons, buildings in H0


Brogioli Casting Edelmetallguss AG

Prototype casting



RC cars in H0


Dampfmodellbau Reppingen

Real steam models


Dietz Modellbahntechnik

Sound - Digital decoder - Vehicles - Tracks - Accessories


D+R Modellbahn

See Tillig






Full-range supplier for model railways and accessories


Gahler + Ringstmeier

Computer control for the model railway


Günther Modellbahntechnik

see also Weinert


HEGOB Modellbahn

Tracks, switches, vehicles in gauge 0 / 1e / 1 / 2 / 2m


Hobby-Ecke Schumacher

Down from the high rail, track kits - brass models - accessories


H-R-F Modellbahn - Atelier (given up in 2020)

Handmade brass models (M 1:87)



Model lettering


KHK Modellbahn Köln

Buildings and railway equipment


Klein Modellbahnen GmbH

Locomotives, wagons and accessories in H0 gauge

at Wikipedia.de

at brandora.de

at klein-modellbahn.at


Lemaco SA

Precision models - locomotives and wagons


LGB Lehmann

Gauge IIm Garden Railway


Lilliput (Bachmann-Liliput)

Model railway locomotives and wagons



Locomotives, wagons and accessories



Showcases of all kinds for model railways and cars


MECL Modelleisenbahn-Center

Manufacturers of Rolling Stock and Accessories, such as Powder Paints, Grass Fibers and Iceland Moss.



Brass wagon kits with rich detailing in H0 gauge



Locomotives, wagons and accessories



Full-range supplier for model railways and accessories



Conversion kits and Faulhaber motors for locomotives of many manufacturers


SILHOUETTE Albert Rademacher

Miniature trees and shrubs, scattered fibres and more


Stipp Bastelbogen GbR

Bastel sheet - Background backdrops, half relief, public buildings, railway buildings and industrial buildings



Models of Saxon narrow gauge railways in H0e


TRIX Modelleisenbahnen

Full-range supplier for model railways and accessories


The Prototype   Märklin-H0-Knowledge   Layout-Building   Modelstock

state: 31.08.2023 12:31

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