MÄRKLIN H0 conventional driving and electromechanical automatisation

The Prototype   Märklin-H0-Knowledge   Layout-Building   Modelstock


A: The very first basic knowledge about conventionally controlled Märklin H0 model railways

state: 07.02.2024 15:45

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A 1

What do the tracks of the Märklin H0 system look like?

A 2

How does the electricity get into the Märklin H0 track?

A 3

How many transformers do I need and which?

A 4

White blue orange … transformers between fine and evil

A 5

Driving with several transformers Danger from incorrect connection

A 6

The electronic train controllers 6600 and 6699 – crawling and commuter trains (planned)

A 7

Manufacturer of modeltrains, actually and historic

A 8

Which vehicles are suitable for the conventional Märklin H0 system?

A 9

Märklin numbering scheme for H0 products since 1938

A 10

The reverse unit about leaping, springs, variants

A 11

Maintenance clean, lubricate, replace

A 12

Couplings Who can with whom?

A 13

Wheel sets Swapping – If so, why?

A 14c

Track branches, track connections with Märklin C-track turnouts (envisaged)

A 14k

Track branches, track connections with Märklin K-track turnouts (envisaged)

A 14m

Track branches, track connections with Märklin M-track turnouts

A 15c

Criss-cross The Märklin C-track crossings and double slip turnouts (envisaged)

A 15k

Criss-cross The Märklin K-track crossings and double slip turnouts (envisaged)

A 15m

Criss-cross The Märklin M-track crossings and double slip turnouts

A 16

All around and back and forth Märklin H0 turntables & the transfer table

A 17

H0 Tracks with functions

A 18

Märklin H0 signals purpose and function

A 19

Sidings parking spaces for locomotives and wagons

A 20

The evolution of Märklin command and switch panels



The Prototype   Märklin-H0-Knowledge   Layout-Building   Modelstock